Hourly Counsel

A guide for your business.

Not everyone can afford to hire a full-time general counsel. Even those who can, don’t always have a need for one. Sometimes businesses just want occasional guidance: identifying potential problems; discussing pending legal matters; and moving the business forward. Summit Law Solutions provides these services on an as-needed basis.

You might be thinking, “An hourly general counsel? How can someone come in hourly and tell the forest from the trees?” Basecamp Legal will provide guidance for avoiding common pitfalls, assistance with founder relationships, and follow through on everything from corporate governance, negotiation, and assistance to get you to the next level.  The goal is to build an ongoing relationship. Together, we can help you address any legal issues before they become a problem.

We can assist with things like:

  • Debt or Equity Financing
  • Securities
  • Corporate Governance
  • Employee Contracts
  • ESOPs
  • Shareholder Agreements
  • Licensing
  • Handbooks
  • Commercial Agreements